Becoming A Real Estate Investor


Well Goodbye 2008 and Hello to 2009!

Happy new year to you! Well 2008 has been challenging, and 2009 will bring more challenges. The nice thing about challenges, is that they bring hope, dreams and ability to overcome objectives and hurdles. Through all of this, we learn to grow; with new growth, we get closer to our successes.

Good luck and best wishes for your New Year,

L. J. Sutherland.


PS.  This New Year, I will be introducing you to my new friends. Larry Goins and Patrick Riddle, they have lots of great products to bring to our table of education.

I would like to spill the beans now, but I think I'll wait a couple of days to share with you, what these guys have going on.  You will be absolutely amazed at what you'll be able to learn, so keep an eye out, “right here”, for postings in 2009.

PSS. If you haven't subscribed yet, now is the time to do so.  Look to the upper right-hand corner of the screen and type in your name and primary e-mail address; that way we'll be able to get all of the news to you much faster as it becomes available.

Oh! I have one more surprise, I will email to you in a couple of days. Get Ready!

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